Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Wednesday/Thursday, 11/12 October, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How can matter be separated?

LEARNING TARGET: Use separation techniques to separate homogeneous and heterogenous mixtures


LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Use separation techniques to separate mixtures into their component parts.

BELL RINGER - separation of mixtures worksheet (see last class)
VOCABULARY: chemical change, chemical property, physical change, physical property, homogeneous, heterogeneous, element, compound, mixture, substance, extensive properties, intensive properties, density, mass, volume, filtration, suspension, solution, solute, solvent

HOME LEARNING: notebook update

Students made their lab journal and began the write up for the separation of mixtures lab as their bell ringer.

Students received HL 7. See below.

We continued with the lab experiment and write up.

The remaining class time was spent working on the element project.