ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How are elements arranged?
RELEVANCE: Why use a periodic table?
NGSSS: SC.912.P.8.3; SC.912.P.8.4; SC.912.P.8.5; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.WHST.1
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to:
-Compare the sizes, charges, and relative positions of the subatomic particles.
-Relate an atom’s number of protons to its charge, name, and atomic number.
-Calculate the mass number of an atom.
-Create an electron dot diagram for elements.
BELL RINGER: Cloze activity The Periodic Table
VOCABULARY: atom, atomic number, electron, electron dot diagram, element, energy level, ion, isotope, mass number, neutron, nucleus, periodic table, proton, radioactive, valence electrons
HOME LEARNING: HL 8 Periodic Table Worksheet
Students completed a cloze activity on the periodic table. You can find the handout below.
This is the bell ringer. It will be placed with your notes for this essential question.
Students received a periodic table and HL 8. They can be found below. Be sure to write your answers for HL 8 on your own paper to submit.
Use this periodic table to complete your home learning assignment.
This is HL 8. Complete using the periodic table. Be sure to make a copy on your own paper to submit for a grade. Also, record the due date and your grade in your notebook.
Students also received a vocabulary list for this topic Be sure to draw, list an example, or write something to remind you of what the word means.
This is the vocabulary necessary for understanding this topic. Be sure to complete and place with this topic's notes.
We then completed the Gizmo activity Element builder. Students are mandated to complete the assessment for the Gizmo.
Students who compete work early should go to Dr. Gayden’s Science Zone and learn more about atoms by completing the pHET activity.
Be sure you can answer the following Higher Order Thinking questions!
-What do you notice about the valence electrons in all noble gases?
-What elements have only one valence electron? What does this tell you about these elements?
EXIT STRATEGY: assessment at end of Gizmo