Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wednesday/Thursday, 28/29 October, 2015

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What pH is best for plant growth?

RELEVANCE: How can I grow bigger vegetables?

NGSSS: SC.912.N.1.1; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.WHST.1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Complete the first grading period project.

BELL RINGER: on a sticky, write to describe all essentials for plant growth

VOCABULARY: hypothesis, materials, procedures, variables

HOME LEARNING: notebook update


Students were given a 40 minute exam correction period. Students absent for the initial exam were given the entire period.

Students spent the remainder of the class working on their research plan. You can find the plan below in movie form. Go to Slide Share (the link is below) to see the actual slide show.

This is the research plan in video form. Click the link below for the actual slide show.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday/Tuesday, 26/27 October, 2015

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What topics have we studied this quarter? 

RELEVANCE: Quarter Exam

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What have I learned this quarter?

RELEVANCE: I CAN pass a quarterly exam!

NGSSS: SC.912.N.1.1; SC.912.P.8.1; SC.912.P.8.2; SC.912.P.8.4; SC.912.P.8.5; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.WHST.1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Take an exam covering information presented this grading period.


VOCABULARY: cumulative for quarter.

HOME LEARNING: notebook update


Students turned in and reviewed home learning 9.

Students then had a 15 minute study period.

Finally, students took a quarter exam that covered information presented during the entire grading period.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thursday/Friday, 22/23 October, 2015

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How are elements arranged?

RELEVANCE: Why use a periodic table?

NGSSS: SC.912.P.8.3; SC.912.P.8.4; SC.912.P.8.5; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.WHST.1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Read and interpret a periodic table.
-Describe how the elements are arranged on the periodic table.
-Distinguish between the different families of elements and their properties.

BELL RINGER: Read the challenge. Highlight the section that explains which elements are the same and which are different on earth and on Chykogon.

VOCABULARY: atom, atomic number, electron, electron dot diagram, element, energy level, ion, isotope, mass number, neutron, nucleus, periodic table, proton, radioactive, valence electrons

HOME LEARNING: HL 9, study for exam

Students identified the problem by reading the background information as their bell ringer.

Students received HL 9, which is due next class. Print two copies. One is to be placed in your interactive notebook. The other copy is to submit. You can find the handout below.

This is HL 9. Be sure to turn in a copy to me and keep one for yourself.

Classes that needed to complete the notes and vocabulary (due to testing) did so. You can find the information for the notes on the last blog. Be sure to define the following: periodic law, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, metalloids, nonmetals, halogens, and noble gases.

We then worked on the Chykogon Periodic Table. You can find the handouts below. Be sure to place them in your notebook with this section.

Complete the handouts and place in your notebook. Remember, compare the Chykogonian elements to those found on Earth to discover their names and positions on the periodic table.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tuesday/Wednesday, 20/21 October, 2015

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How are elements arranged?

RELEVANCE: Why use a periodic table?

NGSSS: SC.912.P.8.3; SC.912.P.8.4; SC.912.P.8.5; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.WHST.1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Read and interpret a periodic table.
-Describe how the elements are arranged on the periodic table.
-Distinguish between the different families of elements and their properties.

BELL RINGER: Read the challenge. Highlight the section that explains which elements are the same and which are different on earth and on Chykogon.

VOCABULARY: atom, atomic number, electron, electron dot diagram, element, energy level, ion, isotope, mass number, neutron, nucleus, periodic table, proton, radioactive, valence electrons

HOME LEARNING: update notebook, complete vocabulary, study


For the bell ringer, students read the introduction to the activity and determined which sentence supplied information about the similarities between the Chykogen elements and those found on Earth.

Some students continued the grouping of the elements of the periodic table by family activity. Be sure to include your key.

Students also completed notes on the elements and the periodic table. They first completed the table below with the correct information.

Parts of the Atom

Particle Name        Charge       Location      AMU

Students then wrote note, including:

# protons = atomic number

# protons + # neutrons = atomic mass

Atomic mass - # protons = # neutrons

An atom has no charge, having the same number of protons and electrons (# protons = # electrons).
An ion is charged, having either more protons or electrons.

Finally, students were asked to define the following:
periodic law
alkali metals
alkaline earth metals
transition metals
noble gases

Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday/Monday, 16/19 October, 2015

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How are elements arranged?

RELEVANCE: Why use a periodic table?

NGSSS: SC.912.P.8.3; SC.912.P.8.4; SC.912.P.8.5; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.WHST.1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Read and interpret a periodic table.
-Describe how the elements are arranged on the periodic table.
-Distinguish between the different families of elements and their properties.

BELL RINGER: Can you name the places? Plus space to create one on your own!

VOCABULARY: atom, atomic number, electron, electron dot diagram, element, energy level, ion, isotope, mass number, neutron, nucleus, periodic table, proton, radioactive, valence electrons

HOME LEARNING: There is no separate home learning, except to complete vocabulary and study!


The bell ringer was similar to HL 8. Complete the handout using the periodic table to name the places. Use the fifth space to make up a name, place, or thing, using the symbols from the periodic table. Exchange with a shoulder buddy to see if you can solve their puzzle and if you can solve theirs! You can find the handout below. It will go in the center space of your Cornell notes.

This is the bell ringer. Find the answers using your periodic table. Use the provided space to make up your own mystery word, name, animal, or place.

We collected and reviewed HL 8.

Students color coded their periodic tables by families. There should be at least 9 families. Be sure to use your key. You can use the periodic table below as a guide. You DO NOT have to have the same colors for the families on your table. However, be sure to correctly label the families you include. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wednesday/Thursday, 14/15 October, 2015

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How are elements arranged?

RELEVANCE: Why use a periodic table?

NGSSS: SC.912.P.8.3; SC.912.P.8.4; SC.912.P.8.5; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.WHST.1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Compare the sizes, charges, and relative positions of the subatomic particles.
-Relate an atom’s number of protons to its charge, name, and atomic number.
-Calculate the mass number of an atom.
-Create an electron dot diagram for elements.

BELL RINGER: Cloze activity The Periodic  Table

VOCABULARY: atom, atomic number, electron, electron dot diagram, element, energy level, ion, isotope, mass number, neutron, nucleus, periodic table, proton, radioactive, valence electrons

HOME LEARNING: HL 8 Periodic Table Worksheet


Students completed a cloze activity on the periodic table. You can find the handout below.

This is the bell ringer. It will be placed with your notes for this essential question.

Students received a periodic table and HL 8. They can be found below. Be sure to write your answers for HL 8 on your own paper to submit.
Use this periodic table to complete your home learning assignment.

This is HL 8. Complete using the periodic table. Be sure to make a copy on your own paper to submit for a grade. Also, record the due date and your grade in your notebook.

Students also received a vocabulary list for this topic Be sure to draw, list an example, or write something to remind you of what the word means.

This is the vocabulary necessary for understanding this topic. Be sure to complete and place with this topic's notes.

We then completed the Gizmo activity Element builder. Students are mandated to complete the assessment for the Gizmo.

Students who compete work early should go to Dr. Gayden’s Science Zone and learn more about atoms by completing the pHET activity.

Be sure you can answer the following Higher Order Thinking questions!

-What do you notice about the valence electrons in all noble gases? 
-What elements have only one valence electron? What does this tell you about these elements?

EXIT STRATEGY: assessment at end of Gizmo

Monday, October 12, 2015

Monday/Tuesday, 12/13 October, 2015

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How are elements arranged?

RELEVANCE: Why use a periodic table?

NGSSS: SC.912.P.8.3; SC.912.P.8.4; SC.912.P.8.5; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.WHST.1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to:
-Compare the sizes, charges, and relative positions of the subatomic particles.
-Relate an atom's number of protons to its charge, name, and atomic number.
-Calculate the mass number of an atom.
-Create an electron dot diagram for elements.

BELL RINGER: Students previewed pages 160-180 in the text and choose a method of representing the periodic table. They then wrote a poem, in any form and illustrated the poem in color.

VOCABULARY: atom, atomic number, electron, electron dot diagram, element, energy level, ion, isotope, mass number, neutron, nucleus, periodic table, proton, radioactive, valence electrons

HOME LEARNING: notebook update for notebook check


Students completed the bell ringer.

Students also reviewed HL 7.

We viewed the BrainPop movie The Periodic Table. You can watch the video by searching the site ( for the title. Use the log in username and pass word palmbeach.

We then worked on the prior knowledge questions and the Gizmo warm up for the Gizmo Element Builder. You can find the handouts by logging into with the user name and password I have supplied to you. If you cannot remember your user name and password, please email me at

It is mandatory that you complete the assessment at the end of the Gizmo.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Thursday/Friday, 08/09 October, 2015

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How are mass and weight different?

RELEVANCE: Do I loose weight if I visit the moon?

NGSSS: SC.912.P.8.2; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.912.WHST.1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-differentiate between weight and mass.
-justify why weight changes with gravitational pull.

BELL RINGER:  Write the three leveled questions for your interactive notebook.

VOCABULARY: force, mass, gravity, weight, spring scale, balance

HOME LEARNING: HL 7 How is mass different from weight?


Students completed the three leveled Costa's questions on the Cornell notes page in their notebook for this topic.

Students received HL 7 on How is mass different from weight. You can find it below. The completed handout will go with this topic in your notebook. Turn in a copy to me.

This is HL 7 Place it in your notes, after making a copy for me

Period 2 also completed and turned in the Separating Mixtures lab.

Classes completed the Weigh and Mass Gizmo and placed it in their interactive notebooks.

Classes then began construction of their lab notebooks.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday/Wednesday, 06/07 October, 2015

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How are mass and weight different?

RELEVANCE: Do I loose weight if I visit the moon?

NGSSS: SC.912.P.8.2; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.WHST.1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-differentiate between weight and mass.
-justify why weight changes with gravitational pull.

BELL RINGER:  Density problems

VOCABULARY: force, mass, gravity, weight, spring scale, balance

HOME LEARNING: update notebook

Students completed density word problems as their bell ringer. You can find the problems below.

1. 28.5 g of iron shot is added to a graduated cylinder containing 45.50 mL of water. The water level rises to the 49.10 mL mark, from this information, calculate the density of iron. 

2. What volume of silver metal will weigh exactly 2500.0 g. The density of silver is 10.5 g/cm3.

Solve these and place in your notebook.

Students completed the Separating Mixtures and submitted for grading.

We then watched a video weight and mass and did a stop and jot as the video played, recording two facts from the video. You can watch the video below.

This is the video on Weight and Mass. Pause or restart as many times as you wish, so that you understand all the concepts presented.

Students then worked to complete the Gizmo Weight and Mass. The completed handout will go in your notebook as a part of your notes.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Friday/Monday, 02/05 October, 2015

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How are mixture separated?

RELEVANCE: Which types of matter are easiest to separate?

NGSSS: SC.912.P.8.2; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.WHST.1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
--separate mixtures by their physical properties.-justify why weight changes with gravitational pull.

BELL RINGER:  Due to length of lab, students should read ALL procedures as their bell ringer and record any safety precautions that should be taken during the lab.

VOCABULARY: magnetism, evaporation, filtration

HOME LEARNING: update notebook

Students turned in HL 6 and we reviewed the content.

Students then read the entire lab to familiarize themselves with the procedures and to know what safety precautions to take while completing the lab. Since this is a hands-on activity, it cannot be completed if not in class. Unfortunately, there is no virtual activity that will allow you to make up this activity.