ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How are electrons arranged in atoms?
RELEVANCE: Where do electrons live?
NGSSS: SC.912.P.8.5; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.WHST.1
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to:
-apply basic rules of electron configuration to determine the valence electrons of an atom and their chemical and physical properties.
-explain that when electrons transition to higher energy levels they absorb energy, and emit energy when they transition to lower energy levels.
-continue quarterly project how does pH affect plant growth.
BELL RINGER: Electron configurations handout.
VOCABULARY: energy, ground state, excited state, emission spectra, photon, Planck’s constant, quantum, quantum mechanical model, electron configuration, atomic orbital, energy levels, Aufbau Principle, Pauli Exclusion Principle, Hund’ Rule
HOME LEARNING: Study for Exam
Today's lesson coincides with other subjects that are interpreting diagrams and figures.
The bell ringer is to complete the electron configuration handout. You can find it below.
Read the instructions and complete the handout.
HL 4 was collected and reviewed.
Students completed notes on the electron arrangement in atoms and the atomic emission spectra and the quantum mechanical model. You can find a movie of these presentations below.
The Atomic Emission Spectra and the Quantum Mechanical Model. To see the actual powerpoint presentation, click the link Atomic Emission Spectra and the Quantum Mechanical Model.
Electron Arrangement in Atoms. To see the actual powerpoint presentation, click the link Electron Arrangement in Atoms
Handouts of the rules for arranging electrons in their proper configurations were distributed. Find the handout below.
Handouts for practice with using the rules and the exclusions for the rules can be found below. These will be done in class.
We will complete these handouts in class to help you learn about exceptions to the electron configuration rules.
Students had the opportunity to visit Khan's academy or to learn more about the electronic structure of atoms, the physics of light, or the electromagnetic spectrum on personal tablets.
The exit ticket was to distinguish the exceptions for the electron configuration rules.
Students who compete work early should go to (
-Why does the 4s energy level fill before the 3d level?
-What exceptions to the electron configuration rules might there be? Why?
EXIT STRATEGY: exit ticket on exceptions to rules for filling electrons