ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the types of chemical reactions?
RELEVANCE: Some things are predictable!
NGSSS: SC.912.P.8.7; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.WHST.1
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to:
-explain the meaning of a chemical equation.
-categorize the different types of reactions by looking at basic patterns patterns of chemical equations.
-determine correct counting of atoms and correct placement of coefficients when balancing equations.
-apply the law of conservation of mass in balancing chemical reactions.
-continue quarterly project how does pH affect plant growth.
BELL RINGER: Read the lab handout and identify any areas where safety precautions should be taken.
VOCABULARY: aqueous, chemical equation, coefficient, combustion reaction, decomposition reaction, double replacement (displacement) reaction, Law of Conservation of Matter, precipitate, product, reactant, reaction, single replacement (displacement) reaction, synthesis reaction, yield
HOME LEARNING: work on report
We reviewed class correlations and tie-ins to the focus calendar.
Students pre-read the lab sheet to determine any necessary safety precautions.
Students then worked together to complete the lab activity.
Any remaining time was spent working on their chemical reaction types reports. You can find the details for the report, which is due on February 5, below.
These are the handouts to help you with your report. Be sure to follow directions to avoid losing points.
Students who compete work early should go to
70% or higher on pre-test Khan’s academy chemical reactions
less than 70% on pre-test- teacher intervention
-Which types of bonds do you think would be the most exothermic? Endothermic? Why?
-Could a chemical reaction be more than one type at the same time? Why or why not?
EXIT STRATEGY: Three things I learned: two things I found interesting: I question I still have.