Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday/Tuesday, 28/29 September, 2015

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How is matter classified?

RELEVANCE: Is a mixture a solution or is a solution a mixture?

NGSSS: SC.912.P.8.2; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.WHST.1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-contrast mixture and pure substances.
-distinguish between elements, compounds and mixtures.
-classify mixtures a homogeneous or heterogeneous.

BELL RINGER:  KW on mixtures and substances(what you know/what you want to know).

VOCABULARY: mixture, solvent, solute, homogeneous mixture, heterogeneous mixture, compound, substance, element

HOME LEARNING: Update notebook. Don’t forget that you MUST have a level 1, level 2 AND level 3 question. Be sure your summary is inclusive and thoroughly addresses the entire lesson.

Students completed a bell ringer on mixtures and substances by writing what they already know about substances and mixtures and what they want to know.

Research plans were collected, but will be returned next week so that you can complete them for the final grade. Please be sure to pay attention to ALL suggestions!

Home learning 5 was reviewed. Since you have the original copy be sure you corrected any wrong answers you have and place the corrected document with the notes for today. Remember, EVERY TIME there is a DIFFERENT essential question, that is YOUR signal to list the date, science benchmark, essential question and page in your table of contents and then turn to that page, make a Cornell notes and complete the bell ringer!

Students completed the handouts listed below as we discussed the points in the powerpoint (shown as a video below). The handouts are also listed below. 

This is a video of the slide show presentation used to learn about mixtures, elements, and compounds.

Should you prefer to view the slide show as a slide show, click the link Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures

Complete these handouts as notes after viewing the powerpoint on Mixtures, Compounds and Elements. It is shown as a movie above.

Complete this handout after participating in the virtual separation activity.

Keep this concept map and study it!

Students then studied the methods used to separate solutions, completing the handout as they viewed the interactive site Should you wish to review the material on your own, please click the link Separating Mixtures.

Since there are some classes that did not complete the Gizmo Challenge Solubility and Temperature, we will complete it, including the CER during the next class.