Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday/Monday, 13/16 November, 2015

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What is the electromagnetic spectrum?

RELEVANCE: How do I interact with the electromagnetic spectrum?

NGSSS: SC.912.P.10.1; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.WHST.1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Identify the general properties of all electromagnetic waves.
-compare and contrast the types of radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum according to wavelength and frequency.

BELL RINGER: Label the types of wavelengths on the wavestown diagram. Compose a mnemonic devise to remember the order of the waves.

VOCABULARY: wavelength, frequency, speed, electromagnetic spectrum, hertz

HOME LEARNING: notebook update


We reviewed the interdisciplinary connections with ELA and other subjects.

Our bell ringer was to label the Wavestown diagram with the names of the waves of the electromagnetic spectrum.

We then watched a BrainPop on the electromagnetic spectrum. You can watch the video by clicking the link Electromagnetic Spectrum and signing in with the user name and password palmbeach.

Home learning 2 was collected and reviewed. 

A new problem set was distributed and reviewed. You can find it below. If we do not complete in class, please complete at home. You can find a scientific calculator online at Google chrome by googling scientific calculator.
Try these problems to test your knowledge.

Students worked in groups of 2 or 3, each team being assigned a type of electromagnetic wave. They used the Wavestown picture, which you received last class, to list the different ways the waves are represented in the picture. See if you can get them all!

We then shared out the information to the entire class. These pages should be placed in your notebook.

Students who compete work early should go to (log in with username and password) and do the physics simulation light wave. 

-Why do gamma rays cause more damage than microwaves?
-Based on what you’ve learned about the EM Spectrum, justify a situation where it might be beneficial to use gamma rays or x-rays and explain why.

EXIT STRATEGY: Exit slip - solve the problems.