Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tuesday/Thursday, 10/12 November, 2015

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What is the electromagnetic spectrum?

RELEVANCE: How do I interact with the electromagnetic spectrum?

NGSSS: SC.912.P.10.1; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.WHST.1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Identify the general properties of all electromagnetic waves.
-compare and contrast the types of radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum according to wavelength and frequency.
-determine how pH affects plant growth.
-make-up exam for QSBA1

BELL RINGER: Solve for the following: What is the frequency of a sodium wave if the wavelength is 425 nm?

VOCABULARY: wavelength, frequency, speed, electromagnetic spectrum, hertz

HOME LEARNING: HL 2 The electromagnetic spectrum


Students practiced how to solve frequency and wavelength problems by working through the bell ringer. We then practiced more problems to help students become proficient in solving problems.

Students received home learning 2. We read and reviewed the home learning, again demonstrating how to work the problems. We discussed how to read the electromagnetic spectrum chart. You can find the handout below.

This is HL 2. Answers on your own paper. Be sure to check for units. Show your work for full credit.

Students received the handouts that will serve as notes. However, we did not have time to review them, as we worked on setting up the garden plot for the project. You can find the handouts below.

These will serve as notes for this section.

Students who compete work early should go to CK-12.org (log in with username and password) and do the physics simulation light wave. 

-Why do gamma rays cause more damage than microwaves?
-Based on what you’ve learned about the EM Spectrum, justify a situation where it might be beneficial to use gamma rays or x-rays and explain why.

EXIT STRATEGY: Problems 11-13 on handout.