Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Tuesday/Wednesday, 17/18 October, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How has the Atomic Model changed over time?

LEARNING TARGET: Describe how the modern atomic theory was developed.


LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Describe the development and historical importance of atomic theory from Dalton, (atomic theory), Thomson (the electron), Rutherford (the nucleus and “gold foil” experiment), an Bohr (planetary model of atom).
Describe the structure of atoms in terms of protons, neutrons, and electrons, and differentiate among these particles in terms of mass, electrical changes and location within the atom.
-research information for project It’s Simply Elemental!.

BELL RINGER - Atomic Structure and Theory Magic Number Handout
Complete the handout by working together and reading the information from the following note pages:

Use this information to complete the bell ringer handout.

Students took about 20 minutes to discuss and complete the bell ringer. 

They spent the remainder of the period working on their presentation.